We look for adopters who'll treat our hounds like family -- NO HUNTING ALLOWED!
Our hounds have had rough lives. We're looking to place them in homes where they'll have tons of affection, are well fed, and get a chance to live life as a cherished pet instead of as a tool.
Before you apply, know that there are a few non-negotiables. They may seem tough, but we've put our heart and soul into rehabilitating these hounds -- and we have high standards for their placement. We'd like to avoid failed adoptions at all cost, so these non-negotiables help us set you and our hounds up for success as best we can.
To adopt a misfit you must:
Own your own home. We don't place hounds with renters because the risk of displacement is high when the hound's presence is governed by a landlord.
Ensure that all adult residents of the home submit an application.
Have a secure 6-foot fence, with gates that have hound-proof latches. For some of our dogs, we can be a bit flexible on your fence height. We'll also need to see pictures of your yard, fence, and gates.
Be willing to supervise your hound whenever it's out in the yard for the first year or so until your hound's behavior is established (no attempts to pop a gate latch, dig out, or climb out). After that, only allow your hound out in the yard when you are home and can keep an eye on it.
Provide occasional updates for the life of the hound. Just a couple times a year, or more regularly if you're looking for an online hound community -- whatever you like. We have a private facebook group you can post to that's made up of some rabid hound stalkers, and a few less rabid adopters who just check in occasionally. If you're not on facebook, you can text or email us.
If you're able to meet these requirements -- please fill out the application below!